Forza Italia

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Modérateurs: Animateurs cyclisme pro, Animateurs sports, Animateurs football

Re: Forza Italia

Messagepar Elias » 20 Aoû 2024, 16:37

Mayoj a écrit:Damiano C.
Sonny C.
Marcell J.
Filippo T.
Filippo G.
Federico C.
Jorg. Inho
Gianmarco T.
M. Stano
A. Palmisano

Jannik S.

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Re: Forza Italia

Messagepar jan_ullrich_2.0 » 20 Aoû 2024, 16:46

Cette nation :moqueur:

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Re: Forza Italia

Messagepar Mayoj » 20 Aoû 2024, 19:49

:moqueur: :moqueur:

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Re: Forza Italia

Messagepar Movistars » 20 Aoû 2024, 23:54

Between 2019 and 2023, 38 Italian athletes have tested positive for clostebol despite the fact it is scarcely produced in oral or injectable form by pharmaceutical companies, as it was during the Dr. Klümper era.

Serie A footballers, tennis players and Olympic athletes in Italy have all had to explain how the steroid accidently found its way into their bodies, and in most cases they have been deemed to have done so convincingly. But an investigation by Honest Sport has now found that cases involving the drug are appearing in small athlete networks. There are also experts in anti-doping who are concerned that clostebol is now being used in cream form by Italian athletes in search of the type of illegal edge once sought by the late Birgit Dressel.

"Currently a player can go home or to the hotel after a game, use a testosterone cream, gel or patch, and it will be undetectable by the time he goes to the ballpark the next day. I think these guys are using testosterone every single day of the week," said Conte in 2013.


Un simple accident, circulez.

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Cyclo du dimanche
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