[PCM20+] Wings Mile-High Stages - Caucase (p.76)

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Tirreno 2019 (p.46)

Messagepar Wings » 08 Mar 2019, 16:46


Volta a Catalunya 2019



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Hall of Fame gruppetiste
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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Tirreno 2019 (p.46)

Messagepar afonso2047 » 09 Mar 2019, 17:31

Wings a écrit:

Volta a Catalunya 2019



Great job, thanks

Can you do the belgian classics of 2019?
It would be great

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Catalogne 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Wings » 10 Mar 2019, 23:23

Thanks !
Unfortunately I don't do classics, but most of the 2019 routes should be identical to the 2018 ones.

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Catalogne 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar afonso2047 » 11 Mar 2019, 16:29

And what about Volta ao Algarve or Vuelta Valenciana?

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Catalogne 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Wings » 11 Mar 2019, 17:42

afonso2047 a écrit:And what about Volta ao Algarve or Vuelta Valenciana?

Perhaps. Right now focusing on World Tour races and since I have a lot of work, it's going to be difficult doing any of those races. I will see if I can slot any of them in though.

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Hall of Fame gruppetiste
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Localisation: Au nord du mur, au sud de la raison

Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Catalogne 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar afonso2047 » 11 Mar 2019, 18:25

Wings a écrit:
afonso2047 a écrit:And what about Volta ao Algarve or Vuelta Valenciana?

Perhaps. Right now focusing on World Tour races and since I have a lot of work, it's going to be difficult doing any of those races. I will see if I can slot any of them in though.

I prefer the world tour too
Waiting do play
Good work!

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Catalogne 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Colombianfan » 14 Avr 2019, 01:09

You are the man i tried you're vuelta and tdf for pcm 18 and it worked fine thank you. Giro did not work but was really happy with the routes. La Vuelta was a massacre in 3rd week lol. GC turned on its head :heureux:

Messages: 16

Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Catalogne 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Wings » 18 Avr 2019, 18:24

Thank you very much :ok:
Sinon va falloir que j'alimente ce topic bientôt...

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Localisation: Au nord du mur, au sud de la raison

Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Catalogne 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar gwal » 26 Avr 2019, 12:39


Merci pour toutes ces courses WIngs, toujours un travail de qualité!! :up

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Cyclo du dimanche
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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Catalogne 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Wings » 26 Avr 2019, 18:44


Tour de Romandie 2019



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Localisation: Au nord du mur, au sud de la raison

Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Romandie 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Luckynot » 26 Avr 2019, 18:51

Nice ça :heureux: merci Wings :D

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Romandie 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Sazee » 26 Avr 2019, 19:53

Super :love:

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Romandie 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Il lince » 26 Avr 2019, 22:33

Hello Wings!

I saw your ZCTS, great job, but if you allow me a criticism: wouldn't it be better to spend more time on the landscape?
IMHO You can trace very good the route and it is a pity not to be able to enjoy 100% your stages.


Il lince
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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Romandie 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Wings » 26 Avr 2019, 23:38

Il lince a écrit:Hello Wings!

I saw your ZCTS, great job, but if you allow me a criticism: wouldn't it be better to spend more time on the landscape?
IMHO You can trace very good the route and it is a pity not to be able to enjoy 100% your stages.


I just don’t have the time to do so ;)
My bet is on getting the real races out before they are disputed, which means I can’t put a lot of effort into the smaller details like I used to beforehand.

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Romandie 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar tamijo » 02 Mai 2019, 10:49

As I might landscape some of your stages (used in a story), do You want them for re-upload ?

Cyclo du dimanche
Messages: 60

Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Romandie 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Wings » 02 Mai 2019, 11:41

tamijo a écrit:As I might landscape some of your stages (used in a story), do You want them for re-upload ?

Sure :)

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Hall of Fame gruppetiste
Messages: 51249
Localisation: Au nord du mur, au sud de la raison

Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Romandie 2019 (p.47)

Messagepar Wings » 22 Mai 2019, 16:32

Tour de France v4

Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet si c'est trop petit pour vous
Merci a Leon40, Johostile, Elias & valjo pour leurs zcts :ok:


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Hall of Fame gruppetiste
Messages: 51249
Localisation: Au nord du mur, au sud de la raison

Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Tour de France (p.47)

Messagepar Loiloi29 » 22 Mai 2019, 19:37

Beau parcours :love:

Bien joué :up

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Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Tour de France (p.47)

Messagepar Luckynot » 22 Mai 2019, 20:39

Ma Normandie :love:

Bravo Wings, un parcours corsé :ok:

Edit: tu as fais les décors quand il y avait pas de zcts ? Tu as un lien vers les GPX ?

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Champion national
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Localisation: En reportage entre Cannes et la Normandie

Re: [PCM17] Wings Mile-High Stages - Tour de France (p.47)

Messagepar Akai » 23 Mai 2019, 07:22

Un bon parcours bien difficile avec des pavés en fin de course, c'est absolument parfait pour mes carrières ça :love:

C'est cool, bravo et merci :ok:

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